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Sunshine Scholarship - Faculty and Student Paper Award Application Begins. Please submit your application to the institute office before June 5th., 2024


Sunshine Scholarship - Faculty and Student Paper Award Application Begins

1.Faculty and students are requested to submit their applications to the  institute office by June 5th (Wednesday), 2024.  The Meetings for review are scheduled for the 17th  or 18th weeks this semester. 

     (The university has adjusted the final exams  to be held between June 3rd and 7th this semester.)

2.  For vocational school faculty and students, please upload the electronic file of the application form to our institute's website before submission.


     (The Research and Development Office requires the file,  please ensure you submit the data to the department office after uploading.)

3. Please make sure to use the latest form for data entry (attached below).

The Research and Development Office stipulates that applications using outdated forms will not be accepted.

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